Under the agreement, Syokinet Solutions will purchase 100Roam Air electric motorcycles in 2024. Syokinet Solutions will act as a facilitator, distributing and issuing Roam Airs to its technicians. The initiative aims to provide technicians with reliable and efficient transportation, enabling them to conduct
internet installation services more effectively.Read More →

The global landscape of trade and development is undergoing a critical shift. While economic growth has traditionally been the driving force, the need to integrate sustainability principles is becoming increasingly paramount. This article explores the intricate relationship between sustainable trade and development, highlighting why advocating for this approach is essential for a thriving future.Read More →

Before investing in an ESG project, critically evaluating whether it addresses a genuine and pressing environmental or social challenge is crucial. Here’s how MNCs can delve deeper into this question: 1. Conduct a thorough needs assessment: Go beyond company assumptions: Don’t solely rely on internal data or reports. Instead, conduct in-depth researchRead More →

The conversation surrounding Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) responsibility in Africa often focuses on holding both local and international actors accountable. While this is crucial, we must also shift the narrative towards celebrating positive contributions and showcasing impactful ESG projects implemented by multinationals operating within the continent. This shift servesRead More →

Africa is increasingly becoming a focal point for global investment and development. With this growth comes a heightened focus on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) responsibility, particularly for Multinational Corporations (MNCs) operating within its borders. This article delves into the opportunities and challenges shaping the future of ESG in AfricaRead More →

In today’s increasingly conscious world, Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) responsibility is no longer optional for Multinational Corporations (MNCs) operating in Africa. Stakeholders, from investors to communities, demand transparency and accountability regarding a company’s impact on the continent. But how do you effectively measure and report your ESG initiatives? ThisRead More →

Multinationals flock to Africa, drawn by fertile markets, untapped resources, and a growing workforce. They bring much-needed jobs, infrastructure investment, and tax revenue, often hailed as saviors by cash-strapped governments. However, this rosy picture overlooks a crucial question: are we letting multinationals off easy when it comes to their Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) responsibilities in exchange for these supposed “perks”?

#KENCTAD20thConference #MNC #MNCsInAfrica #ESG #ESGResponsibility Read More →